Friday, November 6, 2009


I am so excited to be able to share with you, via my blog, about nplace design. I totally created my company from what I am most passionate about..Organization. I love being organized. Am I always organized and have everything in order? No. Is my life stress free and chaos free? No. Even the most obsessive compulsive people are sometimes distraught. It is so hard no to be considering we live in such an "instant gratification" society. Most of us strive for the perfect family, home, job, appearance, lifestyle. But hey, guess what, life does not work like that. We are pressured by our surroundings. Whether its TV, magazine, friends, neighbor... We all want what everyone has. But now more than ever we just need to streamline our lives and focus on what is important.

That is what nplace is all about. Just having life "In place" and working the best for you and your family. I am a firm believer that your home is your foundation for everything. If you own, if you rent, if you are living with roommates, whatever your situation, make the place where you lay down your head, be a total representation of your life. What do I mean? Well, let your home be the start of everything. Know where everything is at all times. Let me rephrase that, make sure each person in your family knows where everything is at all times. Where do you keep medicine, tools, important documents? Everything needs a place. I HATE piles. Yes, we do get piles at our house, and yes, they stress me out. I hate not knowing if there is something important that I am overlooking because I did not take the time to put things where they needed to go in the first place. So, designate a place for your children's papers, mail, invitations etc. Life does not have to be complicated, we choose for it to be that way. I will explain more in my next post. For now, take each room one by one, throw out, give away, donate, sell, burn.. whatever it takes, but get rid of what you don't need. Just remember, whatever it is that you are holding on to, something better will come along in the future. So, clear your space and your mind. The new year is right around the corner.

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